How Gaming Changes Your Brain: The Long-Term Effects of Gaming
We discuss how playing video games (League of Legends) changes your brain, as well as what that means for you as a person.
Do you have an Internet Gaming Disorder?
We discuss Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) in gaming and esports; what it is, how it manifests, and provide a test for you.
Feel Pain while Gaming? Here's why!
Studies show: up to 80% of gamers have experienced gaming-related pain. We discuss the factors contributing to gamers' pain.
Are World of WarCraft players less lonely & socially anxious?
We discuss how playing World of Warcraft (MMORPG games in general) can make you experience less loneliness and social anxiety.
The Average Gamer and Stress
What causes stress to the average gamer? How do they fit in with the stressors of professional video game players?