Gaming Meets Streaming: Positive Perceptions and Negative Consequences

Gaming Meets Streaming: Positive Perceptions and Negative Consequences

CHRISTIAN | JANUARY 26, 2025 Did you know that players with a potential problematic use of video games are more toxic?
4 min read
Boosting: The Shadow Economy of Gaming

Boosting: The Shadow Economy of Gaming

Did you know that boosting generates over 100€ million every year? We discuss its damaging effects in gaming and esports.
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League of Legends: The Emotional Economy Worth Billions

League of Legends: The Emotional Economy Worth Billions

Riot Games turned League of Legends into a billion-dollar phenomenon—not by selling power, but by selling feelings. We discuss how their free-to-play model taps into emotions and opens players' wallets.
5 min read
Take Aim! FPS vs. RTS: Which Gaming Genre Boosts Cognitive Abilities?

Take Aim! FPS vs. RTS: Which Gaming Genre Boosts Cognitive Abilities?

Reaction time, object tracking, or accuracy—which gaming genre drives these abilities?
4 min read

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